Parents + Church = A recipe for success.
God has given you an awesome opportunity to raise some beautiful children. We want to come alongside you to help you do that. We do that for your baby-5th grader in three main ways:
1: Equipping you as parents to disciple your kids at home!
2: Creating a fun and safe environment at Crossroads for your kids to learn and grow!
3: Attending events to help springboard spiritual growth!
1: Equipping you as parents to disciple your kids at home!
2: Creating a fun and safe environment at Crossroads for your kids to learn and grow!
3: Attending events to help springboard spiritual growth!
Safety is a priority.
- For Sunday morning service we have a safe, easy to go through, and efficient Check-In system.
- All of the volunteers that work with your kids are background checked.
- Every volunteer has a leader handbook with policies and procedures so they can be informed on how to facilitate a fun and safe environment.
We have one way that we invest all of our energy in for your kids at Crossroads:
Where do I go?
Orange 252 Curriculum:
- CR Kids Church | Sunday Mornings, 10am (This entails worship, large group teaching, and small group activities)
Where do I go?
- All of CR Kid's programming takes place upstairs! Take a right as you enter our front doors and, after checking your kid in, follow the signs up stairs. On Sunday mornings there will be Check-In Volunteers that will point you in the right direction!
- Once you check-in your kids you can drop them off at each of their respective rooms before heading down the south stairwell.
- Nursery–3s
- Pre-School–Kindergarten
- 1st–2nd Grade
- 3rd–5th Grade
Orange 252 Curriculum:
- This is a comprehensive curriculum that combines Large Group teaching with Small Group Activities and Discussion.
- We have monthly themes, and each week we will learn a different aspect of that Scripturally-based theme! So everything that we do on Sunday Mornings in Large Groups, Small Groups, Sunday school, and even Wednesday Nights is all teaching towards the same point so that the message is reinforced in your child!
- We have awesome volunteers that love your kids well every week that have a handbook that outlines policies and procedures to help make sure your kid has a fun and safe time.
- We background check all of our awesome volunteers.
- We have a check-in system to check in all of the kids and so we make sure they leave with the adult that they came with!
- There are tablets at the bottom of the stair-well. Simply type in your last name, tap each child you are checking in, then head up the stairs!
- When you get upstairs, a Check-In leader will hand you a name-tag for each of the kids you checked in as well as a parent tag. Keep this with you as you will need it when you pick your kids up!
- If it is your first time, instead of typing in your last name you will press the (+) icon in the top right corner of the tablet. Then simply enter in your child's basic information.
At Home
Watch Christian Cartoons, Kid's Bible Studies & Shows
RightNow Media is "like Netflix for Christian growth" that has over 20,000 quality videos, episodes, shows, and messages and a lot created specifically for kids! Crossroads Christian Church pays for it so that everyone connected with Crossroads can take advantage!

Parent Cue App!
This is an app that you can download on your device. It gives you a weekly video with discussion questions that you can watch with your kids at home that covers what we talked about on Sunday!
CR Kids Events

Every summer, kids get a chance to experience a fun and Jesus-centered week at camp with friends and loving adults at Camp CYOKAMO in Alba Missouri!
2020 Kids CYOKAMO Dates:
(Grades your kids are going into)
2020 Kids CYOKAMO Dates:
(Grades your kids are going into)
- June 19 | Day Camp (K-1st)
- June 21-24th | 4th-5th
- June 24th-26th | 2nd-3rd
Every February, 4th-5th graders get an opportunity to go down to Tulsa for a high-energy, jam-packed weekend full of laughter, dancing, games, worship, skits and other fun and creative elements that SuperStart uses to point these pre-teens to Jesus. It is always a great time!
Every summer we have have a host of different family events for families to enjoy community building with the other families in our church!
Some examples include:
Food & Fireworks
Galena Pool
Movie Night
Summer Splash
Some examples include:
Food & Fireworks
Galena Pool
Movie Night
Summer Splash
Fall Festival
In the Fall our church does our biggest event of the year called Fall Festival! It is always a blast as our whole church comes together to put on this event for the community that includes food, inflatables, games, Trunk or Treat, costumes, and so much more!

Mother/Daughter Fall Party
Girls. Only.
Girls. Only.

Father/Son Lumberjack Night
Chili Cook-Off.
Guys. Only.
Guys. Only.